New thingymabober Tpye Stuff Place...^.^
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OK! Here is the essay!
Ok this is the kinda junk that I find at scholl this is a love note written To...Foxy You From Skanky me....-__-;; Lame....H Hey Jeff,
Your darn sexy and I want to ---- you in the back feild. Its going to be awsome when you get your license and we could go to the moutains! How awsome would that be? We could de-pretty each and every mountain. Maybe it wouldn't be de-prettied it is the natual thing to do. Can I wrinkle your shirt?Can I take off your pants? Wanna have fun at lunch? HeeHee I do. Ltes make babies
--Crystel Luis
Ok how sick was that I know these peeps that are writing this junk! Jeeze..I think I ahve suffiecent blackmail stuff now....*evil look*....